Selective Calling
When you listen to UHF CB you will hear all the conversations going on, which can become annoying at times. Ideally you need a system that alerts you when the signal is from someone you wish to communicate with.
You want your radio to be SELECTIVE about the people you talk to!
That'swhat the Uniden
To achieve this each radio must have a SELCALL ID.
This SELCALL ID acts as a "Phone Number" and your radio as a "Mobile Phone". Everybody in your group must have a different "Phone Number" that only your group members should know. If one of your members dials your "Phone Number", when reached successfully, your "Mobile Phone" of course will "Ring", and your caller will hear a "Ringing Tone".
This "Ring" is actually a CALL Alarm, and the "Ringing Tone" is an Acknowledgment Tone. Any user tuned to your UHF CB channel will hear the conversation.
. UserProgrammable
. 10 Transmit SELCALLID Memory
. Full ID Display
. Caller Identification
. Acknowledgment Tone
. Auto Caller ID Load and Reply (Return Call)
. Last ID Resend
. Tone Squelched ChannelScanning
. All SELCALLParametersare User Programmable
. ReceiverQuieting (Tone Squelched Mode)
Note: You only give your Selcall code to people who you want to be able to get in touch with. Likewise you need to know their Selcall codes to be able to contact them. Other users in your SELCALL family may not be using Uniden radios, the Uniden
The Audio scrambler and the SELCALL functions cannot be operated simultaneously.