8.SCANCONTROL(SCN)- Press to activate Normal OS/GS scanning or press and hold to enable Seek Mode OS/GS Scanning.
9.MEMORY CONTROL (MEM) - Places channel numbers into the memory scan list (OS or GS).
10.AUDIO SCRAMBLER I TONE SQUELCH CONTROL - Controls access to audio scrambling feature and Tone Squelched operation (Quiet Mode).
| m CA:JMEM |
| ~ | ~ |
| |
| TS~ | '~ | I '~ | I | ||
6 | DUP f |
| GS | |||
| SRF...1 | I SC |
| 11~ | 1 | |
| I11~ | |||
| Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl |
| PRI |
11.Channel Indicator
SELCALL usage the Channel Indicator becomes a Memory location indicator.
12.Scan Indicator (SCN) - SCN icon appears when Normal Scan mode is activated. When Seek Mode Scanning is selected the SCN icon blinks.
13.Priority Indicator (PRI) - Indicates that Priority channel is active when continuously lit or Flashes when it is regularly being checked for activity while GS scanning.
14.Frequency I SELCALL ID Indicator - Shows the frequency of the current selected
channel. The Frequency Indicator changes to SELCALL ID display when using the SELCALL feature.
15.RECEIVE SIGNAL I RF LEVEL Indicator (S I RF) - Indicates the relative signal strength level when receiving (S) or the relative transmit power (RF) when transmitting.
16.DUPLEX Indicator (DUP) - The DUP icon appears when duplex operation is selected.
17.TRANSMIT Indicator (TX) - TX appears when the PTT button on the microphone is pressed and the radio is transmitting. The RF icon also appears at this time.
18.CALL Indicator (CAL) - The CAL icon appears when the
19.SCRAMBLER Indicator (f) - The f icon appears when the Voice scrambler is activated.
20.MEMORY Indicator (MEM) - MEM appears when the displayed channel is programmed either in GS or OS Memory.
21.TONE SQUELCH Indicator (TSQ) - The TSQ icon will appear when the selected
channel is set to operate in Quiet Mode, or flashes when the radio is called using
22.GROUP SCAN Indicator (GS) - The GS icon appears when Group Scan Mode is activated. Open Scan is indicated by the absence of the GS icon.