Bosch Appliances V1.0 operation manual PLM‑8CS 8 Zone Call Station, PLM‑WCP Wall Control Panel

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10 en System overview

PLENA matrix



PLM8CS – 8 Zone Call Station:

The 8 Zone Call Station is used to make announcements in designated zone configurations. A total of 8 call groups can be configured in the DSP Matrix Mixer and activated via the capacitive touch areas on the surface. The call station is powered via the PLM8M8 DSP Matrix Mixer over standard CAT5 cables. The control is over the RS485 protocol, and can be loopedthrough to add more call stations to the system.

PLMWCP – Wall Control Panel:

The Wall Control Panel is used to select and control the volume of input sources within in a particular zone. The unit can set up to either; select the background music (BGM) input source, or to mix the four mic./line input sources within a zone. The connection uses the same CAT5 cabling and RS485 protocol as the PLM8CS 8 Zone Call Station and is also powered via the PLM8M8 DSP Matrix Mixer. Installation of the wall control panel is via the supplied wallmount bracket.

PC Configuration and User GUI:

The PC GUI offers a configuration page and user operation page to setup and control the PLM8M8 DSP Matrix Mixer and also the PLM4Px2x Amplifiers. The software GUIs are able to be downloaded from the Bosch website:

2013-06 V1.0

Operation manual

Bosch Security Systems B.V.

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Contents Plena matrix Page Table of contents Maintenance TroubleshootingTechnical Data 1FCC and Ices 1SafetySafety precautions Business Equipment For commercial or professional useEn Safety Plena matrix About this manual Document history Release date Documentation version Reason3System overview PLM-4P125 and PLM‑4P220 Multi channel DSP AmplifiersPLM‑8CS 8 Zone Call Station PC Configuration and User GUIPLM‑WCP Wall Control Panel Plena matrix System overview en 4Planning 5Installation DSP Matrix Mixer and AmplifiersCall Station Refer to Wall Control Panel DIP switch settings, 3Wall Control PanelPC requirements PC GUI application software installationPC GUI software See also5iOS GUI software Wall Control Panel ConnectionsDescription Multi channel DSP Amplifier Number DescriptionNumber Description Do not connect any device, other than a PLM‑4Px2x amplifier 4DSP Matrix MixerPanels DSP Matrix Mixer and Amplifiers, Call Station DIP switch settings 7ConfigurationCall station ID numbers DIP switch Wall Control Panel DIP switch settings 3Multi Channel DSP Amplifier settings 4DSP matrix mixer PC GUI Proceed as followsDSP matrix mixer PC GUI control functions User DSP matrix mixer GUI main screenOther DSP matrix mixer configurations in the GUI DSP setupMulti Channel DSP Amplifier PC GUI Plena matrix Configuration en Amplifier GUI main screen Amplifier Bridging Configuration 1Start 8OperationContinue with one of the following chapters 2Call Station Continue withPre-settings and selections Making an announcementTop LED 0dB attenuation Adjust the audio output volume level Select the input sourceStandalone without connection to the PC GUI With DSP / PC GUI functionalityActivate the amplifier auto standby Activate the active override audio input function3Operate the amplifier with the PC GUI 5DSP Matrix Mixer RS485 LEDActivate the Alert/EVAC override function 1Activate the override input function3Operating the DSP Matrix Mixer/system with the GUI Troubleshooting Problem Possible cause Possible solution DSP matrix mixer orProblem Possible cause Possible solution Call stations / Wall ControlCall station’s microphone 1Customer service 10.2 Clean air vents Maintenance10.1 Clean the units 10.3 Check the connectors and grounding11.1 Electrical Technical DataDSP Matrix Mixer 8CS and WCP RS485 Multi Channel DSP AmplifierLogic inputs AmplifierConnectors Call Station 11.1.4 Wall Control Panel11.2.1 DSP Matrix Mixer 11.2 Mechanical11.2.3 Call Station 11.2.4 Wall Control Panel 11.3.1 DSP Matrix Mixer 11.3 Environmental conditionsStandards 11.3.3 Call StationPage Bosch Security Systems B.V