TRITON Training Guide
Very Cool Programs
The mad scientists, programmers and product guys at Korg now present you with some of our favorite Programs - from each Category. Although you'll find many more Programs with great sound and controller functions, these are some of the best! So here you go - a "place to start":
KEYBOARD | A001, B001, B017, B104 |
ORGAN | A007, A023, A087 |
BELL / MALLET | A015, A063, B063 |
STRINGS | A003, A083,A115, B019, B067, C115 |
VOCAL / AIRY | A011, B027, B091, D027 |
BRASS | A009, B121, C121 |
WOODWIND | A013, B013, C045 |
GUIT / PLUCKED | A005, A101, B005, B069, B083, B085 |
BASS | A006, A022, A038, A054 |
SLOW SYNTH | A008, A088, A104, D014 |
FAST SYNTH | A000, A080, B080, C000 |
LEAD SYNTH | A124, B028, C076 |
MOTION SYNTH | A014, B046, B082, C078 |
SOUND EFFECT | A010, B072, B106 |
HIT / ARPEGGIO | A034, A050, B044 |
DRUMS | A004, B004, C020 |
Tip: There is a more complete chart at the end of this Guide, listing controllers and other helpful
There's soooooooooo many sounds!
To pick our "Top demo sounds" from the hundreds of great Programs and Combinations in TRITON's internal memory was a major effort - Korg's fantastic programming team spent untold hours of painstaking controller edits and voicing - to get each Program and Combination just right! We at Korg want you to explore TRITON - you'll find many great sounds from all the categories.
Arpeggiator Mode
In the following section, you'll "tour" a few Programs and their assigned arpeggio patterns, to learn about the arpeggiator functions, and to hear the diversity of the patterns themselves. You'll find more information on editing and programming arpeggio patterns in the Advanced Arpeggiator Tour - later in this guide, and in the TRITON Owner manuals.