TRITON Training Guide
Take a "tour" of Program A034's arpeggio setup:
For now, we'll take you through the Arpeggio tab settings - the "performance edit" functions of an arpeggio pattern in Program mode. This tab is great to go to when you want to edit the arpeggio pattern "on the fly", in performance, or simply to try new patterns!
1.Press the Arpeggio tab at the bottom of the display. You'll see that U135 is the arpeggio pattern assigned to this Program (Pat:> U135 (A/B): Pentatonic).
2.Play and hold down C2
3.Press the Octave 1 radio button again.
4.For this Program, the pattern Reso parameter is set to a16th note. Resolution is the interval between
arpeggiated notes. Press the popup button to the right of Reso, then press to select an 8th note from the popup menu, and restrike the C2 key to hear the interval change.
6.Press the check box to the left of Latch, play the C2 key and take your hand off the keyboard. When Latch is checked, the pattern will continue when you take your hand off the keyboard - when un- checked, the pattern will stop when you release the keyboard.
7.Press to