TRITON Training Guide
Work with the Loop Edit page:
16.Press the MENU key, then press P2: Loop Edit. On this page, you can work with the sample length and set sampling parameter values. Again, in TRITON's display, you'll see the waveform in stereo. Let's check out a few more functions…
17.ZOOM 5 and 4 to see the waveform level and sample address data in greater detail, then trigger the sample from it's Orig key C2.
18.Check out the Start, LoopS (Loop Start), and End points in the lower - left of the display. They're already set - exactly as the sample was recorded, but you probably need to trim some of the "fat" off the Loop End point - chances are your loop is not perfect…
19.Press to highlight the End value, then, as you continue to hold C2 and play the loop, rotate the DIAL counter - clockwise, slowly, and listen as the loop repeats…having trouble?…Never fear - check this out:
20.Press the Page menu button in the upper - right of the display, then press Grid. A dialog box appears - Press the On radio button, and for now, leave the Resolution set to a quarter note value. Finally, press OK.
21.The vertical dotted lines that now appear across your waveform display represent quarter note divisions. If you sampled a loop of 4 bars, you'll see 16 divisions across the grid. A loop of 2 bars would be indicated by 8 divisions, etc.