TRITON Training Guide
Tip: As you work with and learn TRITON's sequencer functions and more about RPPR, you'll discover that you can select new tracks with different Programs, create patterns based on the Programs in each track, and
Using Combis and the Arpeggiators in a Sequence
Those wild, wacky, luscious, evolving Combinations aren't just for live performance! You can copy them to TRITON's sequencer, with or without effects, and create songs - easily!
Let's Do It:
1.In the P0: Play /REC page of Sequence mode, press the popup button to the left of the song name field, and select the next - available empty song. Press OK from the Are You Sure? dialog box - to create a new song.
2.Press the Page menu button, then select Copy From Combi from the popup menu. A popup menu appears - using the Numeric keys, enter 67, then press the ENTER key, to select Combination A067 Steely Keys. Then press to check the with Effects checkbox, and press OK.
3.The Combination will be copied to S00X: NEW SONG, and will sound exactly as it does in Combination Play mode - including
4.Press the Preference tab at the lower right of the display, then press to check the Multi REC checkbox. Press the Prog.
5.Press REC/WRITE, then press START/STOP, and after 2 bars of metronome