TRITON Training Guide
TRITON features two great ways to
1.Select Combination A000: Romance Layers.
2.Press the popup button to the left of the name field. A popup menu will appear - the center area shows 16 of the
3.To the left of the center menu, you'll see the Bank tabs A - D. Pressing these tabs will take you directly to a desired bank of Combinations.
4.Press the Bank B tab, then use the scroll bar to view and select Combination B010 5th.Dimension. You are able to play any Combinations from this popup menu, but for now…press OK - this selects the Play page (P0) for Combination B010.
In the same way as Program mode,
1.Press the EXIT key to make sure you are still in Play mode (P0). Locate the Category popup button above the Combination name field.
2.Press the Category popup button. A new popup menu appears, and because you selected Combination B010, you can now view, scroll and select any of the Programs in the Synth category. Notice that the categories are listed as tabs on the left and right sides of the display:
3.Press the 14 Rhythmi category tab on the right side of the display. The center menu now shows all the Combinations in the Rhythmic category, and here you can view, scroll and select related Combinations.
4.Check out a few more categories and Combinations in this way.
Tip: You can move any Combinations to any category in edit mode, and you can rename the categories to suit your music applications! See the TRITON Owner manuals for more information.