TRITON Training Guide
box asks if you want to Update Program. Press OK to update the selected Program with the new EQ
gain settings.
Note: In the Master Effects tab page, the L/R signal path is indicated by an arrow, through the Return 1 /2 and EQ gain settings - to the L/ Mono/ R outputs. At the bottom of this page, another arrow indicates that individual outputs
Work with the EQ parameters:
2.Press the Master EQ tab button at the bottom of the display. Now you can view and set frequency and
gain settings for the EQ bands, including a "Q" (center bandwidth) setting for the mid EQ. Also note the
popup buttons for each of these parameters - to view the Dynamic Modulation sources available.
Working with the Effects and EQ in Combination mode:
Editing Insert, Master and Master EQ settings in Combination mode is basically the same as in Program
mode, except for a couple very important things: You are working on up to eight timbres, each with
independent control of insert and master effect routing!
Work with a Combination's Insert Effects:
1.Press the COMBI key to enter Combination mode, then select Combination D006 Sonic FX Mixer. This Combination uses eight timbres, each with independent settings for bussing for insert effects. There are also two Arpeggiators latched in this Combination, with timbre 1 using Arpeggiator A, and timbre 2 using Arpeggiator B. All the timbres can be played live - from the keyboard, but only timbres 1 and 2 have arpeggio patterns linked to them. Let's get back to the Insert effects for this Combination…