TRITON Training Guide
TRITON features two great ways to
1.Press to highlight the Program name field, press 0, then press the ENTER key on the Numeric keypad to select Program A000.
2.Press the popup button to the left of the Program name. A popup menu will appear - the center area shows 16 of the
3.You can press to select Programs here, and press and drag the scroll bar to move through the menu pages, and select more
4.To the left and right of the center menu, you'll see the Bank tabs. Pressing these tabs will take you directly to a desired bank of Programs. Press the Bank B tab, then move the scroll bar to the right, and select Program B033 Piano Pad. You can play any Programs from this menu, but for now…press the OK box - this selects the Play page (P0) for Program B033.
Here's where Touchview really shines!
1.Make sure you are still in Play mode (if not, press the EXIT key). Locate the Category popup button above the Program name field.