TRITON Training Guide
2.Press the MFX1 tab to view the settings for the Stereo Chorus - the Src of Wet/Dry control is set to KnobM3. As you play, rotate Knob 3 to hear the wet/dry balance change.
3.Press the MFX2 tab to view the Reverb SmoothHall parameters, and view the Src of Wet/Dry control. As you play, rotate Knob 4 to increase / decrease the reverb intensity.
Copy a Master effect from a source Program:
4.Press the Master FX tab button, then press the Master FX Page menu button
5.Press the From: popup button second down in the screen (with the Program name) - note all the
Program bank tabs to the left and right of the center menu. Now press A005: Acoustic Guitar on the
center menu, then press OK. The dialog box returns, with the new source Program highlighted. In the
To: field of this page, the popup buttons allow you to copy one source effect (insert or master) to a destination effect (insert or master), or you can select All, to copy all Master effects from the selected source - to the current Program.
6.Press the All checkbox, then press OK, to copy all of Program A005's Master effects to the destination (current) Program E003.
Note: When selecting effects for Inserts or Masters, effects 000 - 089 can be used. Effects 090 - 102 are double - size effects, and use twice the processing area of other effects. Master effects cannot use double - size effects.
Working with the Master EQ
The 3- band master EQ is located after the insert and master effects - just before the outputs of the TRITON. In Program E003's currently - selected (P9 Edit Master Effects) page, you'll see the Master EQ Gain settings for each of the three bands available.
Work with the gain levels and Update the Program:
1.Press the +03.5 Low EQ "fader", and as you play, rotate the DIAL, or use the 56 value keys to increase / decrease the Low gain. Do the same for the Mid and High gain settings. When you've set the desired EQ gain levels, press the REC/WRITE key in the SEQUENCER / SAMPLING section. A dialog