TRITON Training Guide
4.Press the MENU key, then press P7: Edit - Arpeggiator. Take a close look at timbres 4 and 8. They are both set to trigger the A Arpeggiator in the Arpeggiator Assign field of the display. None of the other timbres are assigned to trigger either Arpeggiator A or B. In fact, the B Arpeggiator is
The A Arpeggiator is being triggered by timbres 4 and 8, and timbre 4 is set to a different MIDI channel than the other timbres in the Combination. Timbre 8's status is turned Off (it's a "dummy" timbre). You hear the arpeggio pattern trigger because timbre 8 is assigned to trigger the A Arpeggiator, and because it's on the Global MIDI channel!
Let's look at another Combination that uses both Arpeggiators in this way:
5.Select Combination A086: SciFi Chase Scene.
6.Play in the range above
7.Now play and hold a note (s) in the lower range - both Arpeggiators trigger (unlatched) along with the motion pad, and you can get "scary" in the upper range…
Now to tour the Arpeggiator Setup and Zoning pages:
8.Press the Arpegg. A tab button at the bottom of the Play page display. You'll see that both Arpeggiators are set to run, and the table to the right shows you which timbres are running the A and B Arpeggiators. You also see which pattern has been assigned to Arpeggiator A, as well as a group of functions - they'll be familiar to you - we covered them previ ously in the Arpeggiator section of this guide.
9.Press the Arpegg. B tab button and you'll see the same functions - assigned to work independently for the pattern assigned to Arpeggiator B.