Groupe SEB USA - T-FAL CB6080 manual Cooking, Never leave the appliance unattended

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Never plug in the appliance when the protective cover (1) is closed.

Never leave the appliance plugged in when it is not in use.

Never use the appliance when empty.

WARNING: do not use charcoal or any other combustible material in the appliance.

Set the thermostat to the Max position.

Allow the appliance to preheat for approximately 10 minutes.

Upon first use, a slight odour or small amount of smoke may be released during the first few minutes - this is normal.

Never leave the appliance unattended.


After preheating, the appliance is ready to be used. Set the thermostat to the desired position.

Set the thermostat by adjusting the position of the thermostat to the temperature that you desire so that it faces the pilot light.

Allow it to cook as much as required.

Do not cook food in tinfoil.

Never place tinfoil or any other object between the grill plate (2) and foods to be cooked.

Never heat a cooking utensil on the appliance.

Never touch the metallic parts of the appliance while it is heating or in operation because these are very hot.

Do not close the protective cover (1) when the control unit (4) is inserted in the appliance.

The cooking fat run into the drip tray (3).

Any solid or liquid foodstuff that comes into contact with the parts marked with the logo should not be consumed.

Never take out the the drip tray (3) during cooking.

If cooking a large quantity of meat, empty the drip tray (3) after cooking a batch of meat and before starting a new batch of meat to be cooked.

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Contents Largo Addendum RC 301 520 920 Ref .180 10/04 Cet appareil est approprié à un usage à lextérieur Avant la première utilisationLhorizontal Dérouler entièrement le cordon Branchement et préchauffageNe pas faire de cuisson en papillote CuissonNe jamais utiliser l’appareil sans surveillance Après utilisation Rangement Ne pas insérer le boîtier de commande 4 dans lappareilTableau de cuisson RecettesGrillades Quelques conseils de cuissonEscalope de poulet sauce diable Côtes dagneau au basilicSaumon à la sauce menthe Rougets, sardines, escalopes de thon bord de merBrochettes de bœuf aux tomates BrochettesBrochettes de porc à lananas Brochettes de veauBrochettes de carré dagneau à la provençale Brochettes de saumon au curryDieses Gerät ist für eine Verwendung im Freien geeignet Vor der ersten InbetriebnahmeWiederholen Sie Das Gerät darf nicht auf weiche Unterlagen gestellt werden Anschluss und VorheizenLassen Sie das Gerät nie unbeaufsichtigt in Betrieb GarenNach der Benutzung Führen Sie den Thermostat 4 nicht in das Gerät ein AufbewahrungListe der Garzeiten RezepteGegrilltes Fleisch Einige Ratschläge zum GarenHühnchenschnitzel mit Teufelssauce Lammkoteletts mit BasilikumLachs mit Minzesauce Barben, Sardinen, Thunfisch-Schnitzel Wie am MeerRinderspießchen mit Tomaten SpießchenSchweinespießchen mit Ananas KalbsspießchenLammspießchen nach provenzalischer Art Lachsspießchen mit CurryAppliance is suitable for outdoor use Before first useWire Support strut Plugging in and preheating Avoid using it on a soft baseNever leave the appliance unattended CookingAfter use Do not insert the control unit 4 in the appliance StorageAbout Your Factory Fitted Plug For U.K. users onlyRecipes Cooking chartsMixed grills Some cooking tipsChicken fillet in diable sauce Lamp chops with basilSalmon with mint sauce Red mullet, sardines, tuna fillets, sea-side styleBeef and tomato kebabs KebabsPork and pineapple kebabs Veal kebabsRack of lamb kebabs Provencal style Curried salmon kebabEste aparato es apropiado para un uso al exterior Antes de la primera utilizaciónAntes de insertar un clip de cierre de Desenrolle completamente el cable Conexión y pre-calentamientoNunca deje el aparato funcionando sin vigilancia CocciónDespués de utilizar el aparato No acople la caja de mandos 4 en el aparato Para guardar el aparatoTabla de tiempos de cocción RecetasGrills Algunos consejos de cocciónEscalope de pollo con salsa diablo Costillas de cordero a la albahacaSalmón a la salsa de menta Barbacoa de pescadoBrocheta de ternera y tomate BrochetasBrocheta de piña y cerdo Brocheta de terneraBrocheta de pierna de cordero a la provenzal Brocheta de salmón al curryWees vriendelijk voor het milieu Participons à la protection de l’environnementPartecipiamo alla protezione dell’ ambiente Environnement protection first