Inspect/Adjust Monthly
❑Inspect seat positioning strap for any signs of wear. Ensure buckle latches. Verify hardware that attaches strap to frame is secure and undamaged. Replace if necessary.
❑Loosen/tighten locknut if wheel wobbles noticeably or binds to a stop.
❑Wheel bearings are clean and free of moisture.
❑Wheel locks do not interfere with tires when rolling.
❑Wheel lock pivot point are free of wear and looseness.
❑Ensure all caster/wheel/fork/headtube fasteners are secure.
❑Ensure all hardware is tight.
❑Ensure hand grips are not loose.
Inspect/Adjust Periodically
❑Wheelchair rolls straight (no excessive drag or pull to one side).
❑Arms are secure but easy to release and adjustment levers engage properly.
❑Adjustable height arms operate and lock securely.
❑Armrest pad sits flush against arm tube.
❑No bent or protruding metal on clothing guards.
❑All fasteners on clothing guards are secure.
❑Seat and/or back upholstery have no rips.
❑Inspect modular seat rail attaching hardware is securely tightened.
❑Inspect back mounting plate attaching hardware is securely tightened.
❑Inspect back fold down mechanisms to ensure they securely latch.
❑No excessive side movement or binding when rear wheels are lifted and spun.
❑Inspect handrims for signs of rough edges or peeling finish.
❑Inspect tires/casters for flat spots and wear.
❑Check pneumatic tires for proper inflation (recommended tire pressure is listed on the side wall of the tire).
❑Wheel lock pivot point are free of wear and looseness.
❑Clean upholstery and armrests.
❑Sealed bearings and axle nut tension are correct.
❑Wheel/fork assembly has proper tension when caster is spun. Caster should come to a gradual stop.
❑Loosen/tighten locknut if wheel wobbles noticeably or binds to a stop.
❑Wheel bearings are clean and free of moisture.
❑Wheel locks are easy to engage.
Part No 1026793 | 25 | Xtra™ |