5 |
PLC Fault Table Messages for Redundancy
The following table lists messages, descriptions, and corrective actions for error codes associated with the redundancy fault group. These error codes can be viewed by selecting
Error |
Code | Message | Fault Description | Corrective Action |
1 | Primary Unit is Active and | The primary and secondary units have | None required. |
| Secondary Unit is Backup. | switched roles. |
2 | Secondary Unit is Active | The secondary and primary units have | None required. |
| and Primary Unit is | switched roles. |
| Backup. |
3 | Primary Unit is Active; No | The primary unit has transitioned to RUN | Secondary unit MUST be placed in RUN |
| Backup Unit Available. | mode and is running as a | mode with a comparable configuration in |
| order to have a synchronized system. |
4 | Secondary Unit is Active; | The secondary unit has transitioned to RUN | Primary unit MUST be placed in RUN |
| No Backup Unit Available. | mode and is running as a | mode with a comparable configuration in |
| order to have a synchronized system. |
5 | Primary Unit Has Failed; | Primary unit has recorded a fatal fault, has | If primary unit has also logged the fault |
| Secondary Unit is Active | been powered down, or has lost ability to | “Secondary Unit Has Failed: Primary Unit |
| w/o Backup. | communicate with the secondary unit while | is Active w/o Backup”, then |
| acting as the active or backup unit. | communications has been broken between |
| Secondary unit will continue running as a | the two units and must be repaired. If a |
| fatal fault has been logged in the primary | |
| unit, the indicated fault must be repaired. |
| Power may have to be cycled on one of the |
| units in order to |
| communications and return to a |
| synchronized system. |
6 | Secondary Unit Has Failed; | Secondary unit has recorded a fatal fault, has | If secondary unit has also logged the fault |
| Primary Unit is Active w/o | been powered down, or has lost ability to | “Primary Unit Has Failed: Secondary Unit |
| Backup. | communicate with the primary unit while | is Active w/o Backup”, then |
| acting as the active or backup unit. The | communications has been broken between |
| primary unit will continue running as a | the two units and must be repaired. If a |
| fatal fault has been logged in the secondary | |
| unit, the indicated fault must be repaired. |
| Power may have to be cycled on one of the |
| units in order to |
| communications and return to a |
| synchronized system. |
7 | Synchronization Failure; | A communications failure between the two | One of the units should be power cycled to |
| Both Units are Active. | units has caused each unit to become stand- | return to a synchronized system. NOTE: |
| alone units. Communications has since been | The Genius blocks will respond to the unit |
| restored. | that is using Serial Bus Address 31. |
8 | Unable to Switch | An attempt to switch redundancy roles was | None required. |
| Redundancy Roles | made when it was not possible to perform |
| the switch. |
Chapter 5 Fault Detection |