Kirby Morgan 37 & 57
7.7 SuperFlow 350
Demand Regulator
7.7.1 General Regulator Information
While the regulator systems on all Kirby Morgan hel- mets are simple and highly reliable, the breathing re- sistance will increase if the demand regulator on your helmet is not maintained or adjusted properly. The demand regulator must receive regular maintenance to assure the best performance possible. However, in the event the demand regulator is damaged, there is always a backup supply of steady flow gas available from the defogger valve.
If the regulator does not breathe easily, the diver can- not work hard and will tire rapidly. Simply put: If the demand regulator does not work properly the diver cannot work properly. This makes the maintenance of the demand regulator assembly essential.
For the gas inlet valve and adjustment system to oper- ate properly, the components in the demand regulator MUST be in good condition and MUST be periodi- cally inspected and adjusted.
Four special tools, the inlet valve holder (Part #525- 616), the regulator adjustment wrench (Part
Disassembly, assembly, and adjustment can be done without these tools, but the work is much easier and the adjustment is better if these tools are used. The above 4 tools are available together along with a tool case. The “Tool Kit with Pouch” is Part
7.7.2SuperFlow 350 Demand Regulator Test for Correct Adjustment, Fully Assembled
To maintain optimum performance of the demand regulator, it should be checked for proper function and adjustment prior to commencement of diving each diving day, in accordance with the KMDSI Daily Set Up and Functional Checklist. See the Dive Lab website (www.divelab.com) for the latest procedures for
Check the regulator for adjustment and proper func- tion with the assembly complete, and supplied with a breathing gas supply pressure of 135 to 150 p.s.i.g.
NOTE: 135 to 150 p.s.i.g. over ambient is the stan- dard supply pressure to be used when adjusting all KMDSI helmets and
NOTE: When storing the helmet for any length of time, ensure that the regulator adjustment knob is turned “out” fully counterclockwise to avoid stressing the bias springs. This will prolong the life of both the inlet valve, seat, and bias springs.
1)Rotate the regulator adjustment knob in, towards the regulator body.
2)Ensure the supply pressure is connected and prop- erly adjusted to 135 to 150 p.s.i.g.
3)Turn on the gas supply.
4)Rotate the adjustment knob out counterclockwise slowly, until a slight steady flow develops.
5)Slowly rotate the adjustment knob in clockwise, until the free flow stops. Lightly depress the purge button several times and ensure the gas flow has stopped.
6)Lightly depress the purge button. There should be between 1/16” and 1/8” free travel in the button before gas flow starts. When the button is fully depressed, a strong surge of gas must be heard.
7)If the purge button travels less than 1/16” or greater than 1/8” before free flow is heard, the demand regula- tor requires internal adjustment, per this chapter.
Tool Kit with pouch - Part #525-620.
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