Chapter 13 Generating Audio Phone and Video Phone Reports
Using Audio Phones and Applications Reports
Opens a filter dialog box for refining the report. See Filtering Audio Phones and
Applications Reports, page 13-14.
Exports the current report to a PDF or CSV file to save on your local system.
Note Enables you to export data for all phones, selected phones, or a range of record numbers.
Opens a new window with the report formatted for printing from your browser.
Opens a column selector dialog box from which you can select those columns of a report to hide and those to display. See Selecting Columns to Display and to Hide on a Phone
Inventory Report, page 13-17.
Filtering Audio Phones and Applications Reports
From an Audio Phones and Applications report, click the Filter button | when present. A filter |
dialog box opens. |
Note Filtering is performed using:
•An implicit “or” within each
•An implicit “and” for all
For example, if you enter two phone models, such as 7910 and 7935, in the IP Phone Model field, the report that results includes all phones of these models. If, in addition, you enter a VLAN ID and a switch, the report is filtered to include only phones of the models specified that are connected to the switch and in the VLAN that you selected.
Step 1 Enter values in one or more fields, described in the following table.
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