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Timed reminder at 12.00
n ^\or
Send message?
0=Please callback?
0... 9or
Enter message text?
Using timed reminders
Prerequisite: You have saved a reminder Æ page 72. The saved time arrives.
The phone rings. The appointment time is displayed.
Press key twice.
Lift the handset and replace it again.
If you do not answer the timed reminder, it is re- peated five times and then deleted.
Sending a message
You can send short text messages to individual stations or groups of stations with system telephones.
Creating and sending a message
Open the idle menu Æ page 15.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Enter the internal station number of the recipient or group.
Select predefined text (can be changed by service per- sonnel) and confirm.
Enter the code directly.
The code is shown on your display with the correspon- ding message.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Text entry (up to 24 characters) Æ page 14.
Confirm the option shown.
Transmitted text messages are saved as callback requests on system telephones with no display and on ISDN, pulse or tone dialing telephones.