Enhanced phone functions
Step by step
+or -
Scroll forward?
Scroll back?
Modify search?
Display results?
Modify search?
The result is displayed
If only one name is found, it is displayed.
Confirm the option shown.
If several names are found (max. 50), the first name is displayed.
Scroll to next or previous entry,
select and confirm the option shown
Select and confirm the option shown.
If no name is found
If your search does not yield any name corresponding to your query, you can extend the range of the search, e.g. by deleting characters.
Select and confirm the option shown.
For further procedure, see above.
If too many names are found
If more than the maximum of 50 names are found cor- responding to your query, only an incomplete list of re- sults can be displayed.
You can view these results, select any of the names, or change the search string (e.g. narrow the search by en- tering more characters).
In this case it is advisable to narrow down the search so that all corresponding names can be displayed.
Confirm, to view the incomplete list.
For further procedure, see above.
Narrow the search down.
Select and confirm, in order to change the search string. For further procedure, see above.