Enhanced phone functions
Step by step
Caller list?
Nor nor
Using the caller list
Detailed information, as well as a sample display entry are provided on Æ page 17.
Retrieving the caller list
Prerequisite: Service personnel has set up a caller list for your telephone.
Open the idle menu Æ page 15.
The latest entry is displayed, see the example on Æ page 17.
To view other calls, confirm each subsequent display.
Ending retrieval
Select and confirm the option shown.
Press the key shown. The LED goes out.
Press the key shown. The LED goes out.
Displaying the call time
Prerequisite: You have retrieved the caller list and the selected call is displayed Æ page 17.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Dialing a station number from the caller list
Prerequisite: You have retrieved the caller list and the selected call is displayed.
Select and confirm the option shown.
The caller is automatically deleted from the caller list when a connection is finally set up.
Removing an entry from the caller list
Prerequisite: You have retrieved the caller list and the selected call is displayed.
Confirm the option shown.
[1]"Differing display view in a HiPath 4000 environment (not for HiPath 500)"