Special functions in the LAN (not for HiPath 500)
Step by step
Internal DISA?
=or ( j
=or (
*90=Control relay on?
#90=Control relay off?
1... 4
Controlling relays (only for HiPath 3000)
If this feature is configured (contact your service person- nel), you can also control relays Æ page 84 in other HiPath 3000 communications platforms.
Open the idle menu Æ page 15.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Enter the (DISA) station number of the HiPath 3000 where you wish to control the relay.
Confirm your entry.
Enter the (DISA) station number of the phone you wish to use to control the relay.
Confirm your entry.
select and confirm the option shown
Enter the relay.