Special functions in the LAN (not for HiPath 500)
Step by step
Internal DISA?
j =or ( j =or (
Night answer on?
Night answer off?
Using night answer
If authorized (contact your service personnel), you can define telephones in other HiPath 3000 communicati- ons platforms as the night answer Æ page 55.
Open the idle menu Æ page 15.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Enter the (DISA) call number of the other HiPath 3000.
Confirm your entry.
Enter the (DISA) station number of your phone.
Confirm your entry.
Open the idle menu Æ page 15.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Enter the destination number (= temporary night ans- wer service).
Confirm the option shown.
Open the idle menu Æ page 15.
Select and confirm the option shown.