i2022 ISDN Teleset
Dialing Options allow the user to automatically add prefix digits or strip off digits, which are not needed from Directory Numbers recorded in the call log. For example, a digit 9 is required when dialing calls outside your business group. In order to dial this number from the call log, a digit 9 would have to be added in front of the Directory number. In addition, the NPA (Area Code) may have to be deleted or a 1 may have to be added.
There are two ways to accomplish the adding or deleting of digits to the DN in the Call Logs. The first method is to Edit each entry before dialing. The second method is the set the Dialing Options in the Teleset to do it for you.
Setting the Dialing Options
To set the Dialing Options, press Dir, and then press Setup.
The following will be displayed.
Control Type : NonUse
Phone Number :
MORE is flashing
Control Type is how much control the Dialing Options provides. The choices are:
NonUse – No control provided. All logged Directory Numbers must be edited. This is the default setting.
Semi Auto – Used when the Nxx code is NOT dedicated to you or your company. This is the most commonly used option. Semi Auto allows the user to dial a Directory Number with the same Nxx code as their own even if they are not in their business group.
Auto – Used when the complete Nxx code is dedicated to you or your company.
NOTE: Nxx is the first 3 digits of a 7 digit telephone number. In the old days, it was called the exchange.