Disabling On/Off
To disable the switch and prevent accidental startup, insert the safety pin through the holes in the ON button, and insert the end of the chain into the pin as shown in Figure 37.
Safety Pin
Figure 37. Disabling switch.
Blade Selection
Ripping blade features:
•Best for cutting with the grain of the workpiece.
•Large gullets for large chip removal.
Figure 38. Ripping blade.
G0605X/G0606X Extreme Series 12" Table Saw
Crosscut blade features:
•Best for cutting across the grain of the workpiece.
•Alternate top bevel tooth profile.
•Small hook angle and a shallow gullet.
Figure 39. Crosscutting blade.
Combination blade features:
•Adequate for cutting both with and across the grain.
•Alternate top bevel and flat, or alternate top bevel and raker tooth profile.
•Teeth are arranged in groups of five.
•Gullets are small and shallow within the groups of five teeth, similar to a