Woodstock W1813 manual `k`feXcJX\kpfiN`\9\ckJXe\ij

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(% B@:B98:B%Kickback is typically defined as the high-speed expulsion of stock from the machine, which can cause serious personal injury to the operator or bystanders. Lek`cpfl_Xm\XZc\Xi le[\ijkXe[`e^_fnb`ZbYXZbZXefZZlin_\elj`e^k_`jdXZ_`e\#;FEFKfg\iXk\k_`jjXe[\i

)% NFIBG@<:<=<<;I8K<% Forcing or jamming the workpiece into the sander or against the sanding belt can cause it to kickback into the operator. Always use the correct depth of cut, then firmly hold the workpiece and ease it into the sander at the same feed rate as the conveyor.

*% 8MF@;@E><EK8E>C<D<EK% Becoming entangled in the moving parts of this machine can cause pinching and crushing injuries. To avoid these hazards, DO NOT wear loose clothing, gloves, or jew- elry, and tie back long hair. Keep all guards in place and cabinet doors closed and secure.

+% ?8E;GC8:<D<EK% The sanding belt can remove a large amount of flesh in a few seconds. Always keep hands away from the sanding belt. Avoid pinching injuries by never putting your hand between the workpiece and the machine.

,% LE8KK<E;<;D8:?@E<% This machine represents serious hazards to an untrained operator. Always turn the machine F== and remove the conveyor belt disabling key before leaving the machine.

-% NFIBG@<:<HL8EK@KP% Never sand two or more workpieces side-by-side. Since workpieces are never exactly the same thickness, one of them may be thrown from the sander at a high rate of speed and could cause serious personal injury.

.% NFIBG@<:<@EJG<:K@FE% Nails, staples, knots, or other imperfections in the workpiece can be dis- lodged and thrown from the sander at a high rate of speed into the operator or bystanders. Never attempt to sand stock that has imperfections or embedded foreign objects.

/% 9F;PGC8:<D<EK% In case of kickback, avoid personal injury by always keeping your body to the side of the sanding path.

0% GFN<I;@J:FEE<:K% Accidental start up or contact with live wiring could result in serious per- sonal injury or death. Always disconnect the sander from power when changing the sanding belt, making adjustments, performing maintenance, or servicing the machine.


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