Woodstock W1813 manual JXe\i8ZZ\jjfi`\j, 0Ç-i`k *0/Ç/i`k *0/Çi`k *0/Çi`k *0/*Ç,i`k

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The following sander accessories may be available through your local Woodstock International Inc. Dealer. If you do not have a dealer in your area, these products are also available through online deal- ers. Please call or e-mail Woodstock International Inc. Customer Service to get a current listing of deal- ers at: 1-800-840-8420 or at sales@woodstockint.com.

Df[\c;*''*Gif$Jk`Zbž:c\Xe`e^GX[jare the perfect accessory for wide belt sanders. Simply set the feed belt table to height and feed the 15" x 20" x 1" pad through to “unload” a dirty sanding belt. Regular cleaning greatly increases the lifespan of sanding belts.

Tough aluminum oxide sanding belts are available in 19" x 48" rolls.

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Use the J_fg=fož;)).(Ifcc\iKXYc\ wherever you need extra workpiece support. Features all-steel welded construction and mea- sures 19" wide x 65" long. Comes with 9 ball bearing rollers and has four independently adjustable legs for any leveling requirement. Adjustable in height from 2638" to 4418" and has a 1000 lb. capac- ity.

The J_fg=fožN(.).(?G;ljk:fcc\Zkfiis one of our top sell- ers and for good reasons. We have been selling this unit for years and it has proven itself in thousands of shops around the country. We have added a 2.5 micron top bag as standard equipment to capture the fine dust particles that normally end up all over your shop. Specifications: Motor 1 HP, 110/220V, single-phase with a 9/4.5 amp draw; 800 CFM air suction capacity; 5.67" static pressure; one 4" intake port; 9" balanced steel, radial fin impeller; 2.1 cubic foot bag capacity; 1534" x 3934" portable base; 5412" high with the bags inflated; approximate shipping weight of 59 lbs.


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