N(/(*(/Fg\e<e[N`[\9\ckJXe[\i |
KffcjE\\[\[ | Hkp |
Hex Wrench 6mm | 1 |
Hex Wrench 8mm | 1 |
KfX[aljkk_\jXe[`e^[ildXe[Zfem\pfigXiXcc\c`jd# [fk_\j\jk\gj1
Efk\1Lj\k_\jXd\d\Xjli\d\ekjpfli\Zfi[\[ n_\eZ_\Zb`e^k_\gXiXcc\c`jd`ek_\gi\m`fljgifZ\$ [li\%
(% Loosen the four column mounting cap screws on the right side of the column base shown in =`^li\*(.
)% Adjust the jack screws evenly to bring the sanding drum and conveyor parallel to each other within 0.005" from
—To raise the left side of the sanding drum, tighten the upper jack screw.
—To lower the left side of the sanding drum, tighten the lower jack screw.
Note: K`^_k\ek_\ZXgjZi\njaljklek`ck_\pXi\ jel^%Fm\i$k`^_k\e`e^k_\ddXpZ_Xe^\k_\j\kk`e^ XZZfdgc`j_\[n`k_k_\aXZbjZi\nj%
+% Surface plane an 18" wide piece of stock so that it is the same height from
Mounting Cap Screws
Mounting Cap Screws
=`^li\*(% Column mounting cap and jack
,% Use a caliper to measure this workpiece from side-
—If these measurements differ more than 0.005", repeat this procedure until you are satisfied with the sanding drum and conveyor parallelism.