Woodstock W1813 manual IXk, KffcjE\\\

Page 25




To prevent sanding "streaks" in the workpiece and ensure an even finish, the sanding belt oscillates from side-to- side on the sanding drum during operation. This action is caused by the twisting motion of the upper sanding roller that causes the sanding belt to shift along the roller until it hits the oscillation disc at the end, which then causes the sanding belt to reverse direction to the other end.

We recommend that one oscillation cycle (the movement of the sanding belt from one side to the other) should be approximately 4–6 seconds.

Efk\1Pfln`cc_\XiXd\kXcc`Zk_ldgn_\ek_\jXe[`e^ Y\ckZ_Xe^\jfjZ`ccXk`fe[`i\Zk`fe%K_`jef`j\`jefidXc%


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Wrench 12mm


KfX[aljkk_\jXe[`e^Y\ckfjZ`ccXk`feiXk\#[fk_\j\ jk\gj1


)% Open the sanding belt access door and identify the oscillation stops shown in =`^li\)*.

*% Loosen the oscillation stop jam nuts, then adjust the oscillation stop hex bolts equally in or out to change the oscillation rate.

Efk\1K_\fjZ`ccXk`feiXk\`jk_\k`d\`kkXb\jk_\ jXe[`e^Y\ckkfdfm\]ifdfe\j`[\f]k_\lgg\i jXe[`e^ifcc\ikfk_\fk_\ij`[\Xe[_`kk_\fjZ`ccX$ k`fe[`jZXkk_\\e[%<XZ__\oYfckj\kk`e^X]]\Zkj k_\fjZ`ccXk`feiXk\`efe\[`i\Zk`fe%K`^_k\e`e^X jkfg_\oYfckn`ccZXlj\Xjcfn\ifjZ`ccXk`feiXk\]fi k_Xk[`i\Zk`fe%<og\i`d\ekkf]`e[k_\i`^_kfjZ`ccX$ k`feiXk\]fipflifg\iXk`fe%

+% Re-tighten the jam nuts without turning the hex bolts, then close the access door.

,% Connect the machine to power, start the sanding motor, then check the oscillation rate.

-%Repeat Jk\gj(Æ, until you are satisfied with the oscillation rate.


Jam Nut



Jam Nut



Hex Bolt

Hex Bolt


=`^li\)*% Sanding belt oscillation stops.


Image 25
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