Woodstock W1813 manual 8aljk`eGi\jjli\Ifcc\ij

Page 38




The height of the pressure rollers (see =`^li\*+) is set slightly below the bottom of the sanding drum to keep the workpiece firmly against the conveyor belt as it passes through the sander, preventing workpiece kickback.

The pressure roller height was set by the factory at approximately 0.063" (116") below the lowest point of the sanding drum.



Hex Wrench 4mm


Feeler Gauge 0.063" (116")


KfX[aljkk_\_\`^_kf]k_\gi\jjli\ifcc\ij#[fk_\j\ jk\gj1

(% Make sure the sanding drum and conveyor are paral- lel (refer to GX^\*) for detailed instructions).

)% Surface plane and sand a 18" wide piece of stock until it is flat and the same height from side-to-side.


+% Open the sanding belt access door and remove the sanding belt from the machine.

,% Loosen the eight adjustment cap screws securing the front and rear pressure rollers (see =`^li\*,).

Note: K_\i\Xi\]fliX[aljkd\ekZXgjZi\njfek_\ ]ifekXe[]flifek_\i\Xif]k_\jXe[`e^ZXY`e\k%

-%Place the workpiece from Jk\g) under the sanding drum, then elevate the sander assembly so that the sanding drum is 0.063" (116") above the workpiece.

.% Manually adjust the pressure rollers so that they are lightly resting on the workpiece from side-to-side, then retighten the cap screws to secure the pressure rollers in place.

/% Re-install the sanding belt and secure the access door.

Pressure Rollers

=`^li\*+% Front and rear pressure rollers.

Cap Screws

=`^li\*,% Pressure roller adjustment cap

screws (front cap screws shown).


Image 38
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