A steady supply of clean, dry air of
KfZfee\ZkXe[Zfe]`^li\Zfdgi\jj\[X`i]fik_\jXe[$ \i#[fk_\j\jk\gj1
To avoid possible personal injury from exploding compressed air components or damage to the sander, never exceed 120 PSI of incoming compressed air to the mill's regulator.
(% Connect the source of compressed air to the air regulator inlet valve on the back of the machine (see =`^li\()).
)% Lift up on the air regulator adjusting knob and turn it so that the air pressure dial reads
Recommended CFM at Dust Port: | 400 CFM |
Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with the rating of the dust collector. To determine the CFM at the dust port, you must take into account many variables, includ- ing the CFM rating of the dust collector, the length of hose between the dust collector and the machine, the amount of branches or Y's, and the amount of other open lines throughout the system. Explaining this calculation is beyond the scope of this manual. If you are unsure of your system, consult an expert or purchase a good dust collection
(% Fit a 4" dust hose over the dust port on top of the machine, as shown in =`^li\(*, and secure it in place with a hose clamp.
)% Tug the hose to make sure it does not come off. A tight fit is necessary for proper performance.
Air Inlet |
Valve |
| Adjusting |
| Knob |
Air Pressure | J<KLG |
Dial | |
=`^li\()% Air regulator assembly on the
back of the sander.
=`^li\(*% Dust hose connected to dust
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