Woodstock W1813 manual JXe`eildfem\pfi GXiXcc\c`jd, Incorrect

Page 34




The sanding drum and conveyor must be parallel to one another to obtain accurate sanding results. This setting is made at the factory and should not have to be made again. However, if it is necessary to adjust the sanding drum and conveyor parallel to each other, follow the pro- cedure below.

This process requires multiple accurate measurements, patience, and trial-and-error. Keep in mind that having the sanding drum parallel to the top of the conveyor belt is critical to the sanding operation (see =`^li\30). The goal is to bring the sanding drum and conveyor parallel to one another within 0.005" from side-to-side.

Using a dial indicator is probably the most accurate meth- od of taking measurement for this procedure. However, you can use gauge blocks and feeler gauges to attain acceptable results.

To make gauge blocks, square up a 7' long 2" x 4" board (refer to your jointer and planer manuals for detailed instructions), then cut it in half.

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)% Remove the sanding belt from the machine.

*% Record the precise measurements between the low- est point of the sanding drum and the conveyor from side-to-side.

If the measurements differ more than 0.005" from side-to-side, continue to the procedure on the next page to adjust the sanding drum and convey- or parallelism.



Sanding Drum


Conveyor Belt

A = B

(Within 0.005" side-to-side)

(Front View)
































Conveyor Belt






















A = B

=`^li\*'% Sanding drum and conveyor

belt parallelism.


Image 34
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