Woodstock W1819, W1820 manual Gi\m\ek`eB`ZbYXZb, Gifk\Zk`ePflij\c =ifdB`ZbYXZb

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Below are ways to avoid the most common causes of kickback:

Only cut workpieces with at least one smooth and straight edge. DO NOT cut warped, cupped or twisted wood.

Never attempt freehand cuts. If the workpiece is not fed parallel with the blade, kickback will likely occur. Always use the rip fence or miter gauge to support the workpiece.

Make sure the spreader or riving knife is aligned with the blade. A misaligned spreader or riving knife can cause the workpiece to catch or bind, increasing the chance of kickback. If you think that your spreader or riving knife is not aligned with the blade, check it immediately!

Take the time to check and adjust the rip fence parallel with the blade; otherwise, the chances of kickback are extreme.

The spreader or riving knife maintains the kerf in the workpiece, reducing the chance of kickback. Always use the riving knife for all non-through operations, unless a dado blade is installed. Always use the spreader with the blade guard for all through cuts.

Feed cuts through to completion. Anytime you stop feeding a workpiece in the middle of a cut, the chance of kickback is greatly increased.

Keep the blade guard installed and in good working order. Only remove it when per- forming non-through cuts and immediately re-install the blade guard when finished. Remember, always use the riving knife for all non-through operations, unless a dado blade is installed.

Make multiple, shallow passes when per- forming a non-through cut. Making a deep non-through cut will greatly increase the chance of kickback.

Gifk\Zk`e^Pflij\c] =ifdB`ZbYXZb

Even if you know how to prevent kickback, it may still happen. Here are some ways to protect yourself if kickback DOES occur:

Stand to the side of the blade during every cut. If kickback does occur, the thrown workpiece usually travels directly in front of the blade.

Wear safety glasses or a face shield. In the event of kickback, your eyes and face are the most vulnerable part of your body.

Never, for any reason, place your hand behind the blade. Should kickback occur, your hand may be pulled into the blade, which could cause amputation.

Use a push stick to keep your hands farther away from the moving blade. If kickback occurs, the push stick will most likely take the damage that your hand would have received.

Use featherboards or anti-kickback devices to prevent or slow down kickback.

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