Woodstock W1819, W1820 manual JZ\lc, Xe`e, `cp\Zb1, bcpDX`ek\eXeZ\1, DfekcpDX`ek\eXeZ\1

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For optimum performance from your machine, follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any specific instructions given in this section.


Inspect blades for damage or wear.

Check for loose mounting bolts/arbor nut.

Check cords, plugs, and switch for damage.

Check for any other condition that could hamper the safe operation of this machine.

Wipe the table clean after every use—this ensures moisture from wood dust does not remain on bare metal surfaces.


Wipe down the table surface and grooves with a lubricant and rust preventive such as SLIPIT®.

Vacuum dust buildup from the motor housing and trunnions.

Clean the pitch and resin from the saw blade with a cleaner like OxiSolv® Blade & Bit Cleaner.


› Check/tighten the belt tension (GX^\.+).

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Cleaning the Model W1819/W1820 is relatively easy. Vacuum excess wood chips and sawdust, and wipe off the remaining dust with a dry cloth. If any resin has built up, use a resin dissolving cleaner to remove it.

After cleaning, treat all unpainted cast iron and steel with a non-staining lubricant.

Occasionally it will become necessary to clean the internal parts with more than a vacuum. To do this, remove the table top and clean the internal parts with resin/pitch dissolver or mineral spirits and a stiff wire brush or steel wool. DO NOT USE WATER—WATER WILL CAUSE CAST IRON TO RUST.

Make sure the internal workings are dry before using the saw again, so that wood dust will not accumulate. If any essential lubrication is removed during cleaning, re-lubricate those areas.



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