Woodstock W1819, W1820 =\Xk\iYfXij, DXb`eX=\Xk\iYfXi, Materials for Clamp-Mounted Featherboard

Page 57




Easily made from scrap stock, featherboards (=`^li\.') provide an added degree of protection against kickback, especially when used together with push sticks. They also maintain pressure on the workpiece to keep it against the fence or table while cutting, which makes the operation easier and safer because the cut can be completed without the operator’s hands getting near the blade. The angled ends and flexibility of the fingers allow the workpiece to move in only one direction, which helps slow/stop the workpiece if a kickback occurs.


This sub-section covers the two basic types of featherboards: 1) Those secured by clamps to the table or fence, or 2) those secured by a wood runner that mounts in the table saw miter slot.

Materials for Clamp-Mounted Featherboard


Hardwood 34" x 3"-6" x 10"-28"


Materials for Miter Slot-Mounted Featherboard


Hardwood 34" x 3"-6" x 10"-28"


Hardwood 38" x (Miter Slot Width) x 5"L


Wing Nut 1/4"-20


Flat Head Screw 14"-20 x 2"


Flat Washer 14"-20


To make a featherboard, do these steps:


(% Cut a hardwood board 34" thick to size. The length and width of the board can vary according to your design. Most featherboards are 10"–28" long and 3"–6" wide. Make sure the wood grain runs parallel with the length of the featherboard, so the fingers you create in Jk\g* will bend without breaking.

10" (Minimum)











Initial Cut











Longer Cuts

=`^li\.'% Patterns for featherboards

(top view shown).

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Fecpjk\gj(Æ*Xi\i\hl`i\[kfdXb\X ZcXdg$dflek\[]\Xk_\iYfXi[%


)% Cut a 30º angle at one end of the board.


Image 57
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page LJK?HL@BL@G8C89CJKFJ8I?FLK@E=FID8K@FE=8JK Fek\ekjNffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik @EKIFLK@FEFekifcjXe=\Xkli\j @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE JkXeXiDXZ`e\ipJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej For Your Own Safety Read Manual Before Operating MachineJ8=KP `k`feXcJX\kpfiKXYc\JXnj Gi\m\ek`eB`ZbYXZb Gifk\Zk`ePflij\c =ifdB`ZbYXZbBelow are ways to avoid the most common causes of kickback CfjjXipfK\idj `iZl`kI\hl`i\d\ekj =lcc$CfXlii\ekIXk`e`iZl`kI\hl`i\d\ekj Ok\ej`fefij Ifle`eI\hl`i\d\ekj=fiMfee\Zk`fe =`li\  2 % Nema 6-20 plug & receptacleLegXZb`e @k\djE\\\fiJ\klg\jZi`gk`fe Hkp 9fofek\ekj1=`li\j*Æ,  @em\ekfip@% ?XinXi\EfkJfne  Hkp=\eZ\@em\ekfipN/0 Fdgfe\ekj Hkp Front Rail Rectangular Tube?XinXi\XeKffcjEfkJfne  ?XinXi\XeKffcjEfkJfne  Hkp =\eZ\@em\ekfipN\Xe`eDXZ`e\ DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ekKfXjj\dYc\k\kXYc\jXn#fk\j\jk\gj1 8jj\dYcpSee =`li\ =`li\ ok\ej`feKXYc\ =\eZ\D`k\iXl\ DXe\k`ZJn`kZJXn9cX\ Checking Fence Parallelism Kf`ejkXcck\\eZ\jZXc\#fk\j\jk\gj1 9cX\lXiFdgfe\ekjXe?XinXi\E\\\1 Ljkfcc\Zk`fe\Zfdd\e\=DXkljkGfik1+=D To connect a dust collection hose, do these stepsKfk\jkilek\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jkIle9Xj`Zfekifcj \e\iXcKifllkj Efe$KiflKifl Lkj`gg`eYcX\\Xkli\jsee =`li\*01 9cX\J\c\Zk`feIfjjZlkYcX\\Xkli\jsee =`li\+1 FdY`eXk`feYcX\\Xkli\jsee =`li\+1Xf9cX\jsee =`li\+*1 =`li\+`eB\i9cX\ =`li\  45% Blade installation 9cX\@ejkXccXk`feKf`ejkXcck\YcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1 9cX\lXi8jj\dYcp LXiJgi\X\i 8ek`$B`ZbYXZbGXncj \ekfLj\k\9cX\lXi\eEfkkfLj\k\9cX\lXi `m`eBe`\ Nfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`fe `gg`e  Disconnect the SAW from PowerKfdXb\XZifjjZlklj`ek\d`k\iXl\#fk\j\ jk\gj1 IfjjZlkk`e`k\ilkj `k\i=\eZ\Kfg\ifidXd`k\iZlk#fk\j\jk\gj1 9cX\K`ck9\m\clkj =c`gJkfg@ejkXcc`eXXf9cX\ Xflkk`eKfZlkXXfn`kXXfYcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1 Lkk`eXf\jn`kXXf9cX\Lkk`eXf\jn`kXJkXeXi9cX\ Kflj\XjkXeXijXnYcX\kfZlkXf\j#fk\j\ jk\gj1=`li\,0 Lkk`eIXYY\kjn`kXf9cX\ IXYY\klkk`eKfZlkXiXYY\kn`kXjkXeXiYcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1 Lkk`eIXYY\kjn`kJkXeXi9cX\\jXn`e 8lo`c`Xip=\eZ\ DXb`eI\jXn9Xii`\i\jXn`eFg\iXk`fej KfYl`ck\Xlo`c`Xip\eZ\#fk\j\jk\gj1=`li\67% Auxiliary fence Efk\1N\e`li`eflkk\Zfii\Zkn`k#fefk KXYc\JXn8ZZ\jjfi`\j FGI8K@FEJ DXb`eX=\Xk\iYfXi =\Xk\iYfXijMaterials for Clamp-Mounted Featherboard Materials for Miter Slot-Mounted Featherboard Now, proceed to Dflek`e=\Xk\iYfXi`eD`k\i Jcfk on GX\ Dflek`e=\Xk\iYfXi`eD`k\iJcfk Dflek`e=\Xk\iYfXijn`kcXdgjDXb`eXGljJk`Zb GljJk`ZbjDXb`e X Glj 9cfZb Glj 9cfZbjDXb`eXEXiifn$I`gGlj9cfZbfiXe EXiifn$I`g8lo`c`Xip =\eZ\Glj9cfZbMaterials for Narrow-Rip Push Block & Auxiliary Fence KfdXb\XeXiifn$i`ggljYcfZb#fk\j\jk\gj1Lj`ek\8lo`c`Xip=\eZ\XeGlj9cfZb IfjjZlkJc\ Flk\\JlggfikKXYc\j\Xe`e JZ\lc\`cp\Zb1 \\bcpDX`ek\eXeZ\1ClYi`ZXk`fe Kilee`feJc`\jFi`\ekXk`fe\XijNfid\Xij#Kilee`feXe9\Xi`e?flj`e K\\k 9cX\K`ckJkfgj \kk`e0—Jkfg9fckKffcjE\\\ \kk`e+,—Jkfg9fck KffcjE\\\ Hkp Adjustable Square `k\iJcfkkf9cX\ GXiXcc\c`jdKfXaljkk\YcX\gXiXcc\ckfk\d`k\ijcfk#fk\j\ jk\gj1 \Zb`e 8c`ed\ek Jgi\X\ifiI`m`eBe`\ 8c`ed\ek8aljk`e9\ekJgi\X\i&I`m`eBe`\ 8aljk`e8c`ed\ekJhlXi\Xe?\`k =\eZ\8aljkd\ekjClamping Pressure and Parallelism KfZXc`YiXk\k\\eZ\jZXc\`e`ZXkfin`efnj#f k\j\jk\gj1 =\eZ\JZXc\Xc`YiXk`fe`k\iXl\8aljkd\ekj \Zb`e&J\kk`e0—Jkfgj8aljk`eD`k\i9XiK`ke\jj \ej`fe`e9\ck \ckK\ej`fe I\gcXZ\d\ek\gcXZ`e9\ck KffcjE\\\ Hkp Wrenches 18mm\Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej Wiring Diagram Color KEY=`li\-% Df\cN/0&N/N`i`e`XiXdKiflYc\jffk`e Symptom Possible Cause Possible SolutionDull blade Replace blade 9fp G8IKJDescription 9fpGXikjC`jkKilee`fe Description Kilee`feGXikjC`jkXPSS04M SET Screw M6-1 X 9cX\lXi `k\iXl\ =\eZ\ ok\ej`feN`eIX`cj 710 706 709 731 705 712 DXZ`e\CXY\cj G8IKJ Df\cN/0&N/D%J`eZ\ NFFJKFB@EKIE8K@FE8C@E% G%F%9FO*0 9CC@E?8D#N80/.$*0 N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah