Woodstock W1820 Lkk`eIXYY\kjn`kJkXeXi9cX, KfZlkXiXYY\kn`kXjkXeXiYcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1

Page 50




A ripping blade is typically the best blade to use for cutting rabbets when using a standard blade because it removes sawdust very efficiently (see Page 33 for blade details about ripping blades). Also, a sacrificial fence is not required when cutting rabbets with a standard blade.



)% Ensure that the riving knife and standard table insert are installed.

*% Mark the width of the rabbet cut on the edge of the workpiece, so you can clearly identify the intended cut.

+% Raise the blade up to the desired depth of cut (depth of rabbet channel desired). When cutting deep rabbets, take more than one pass to reduce the risk of kickback.

,% Stand the workpiece on edge, as shown in =`^li\-+, then adjust the fence so the blade is aligned with the inside of your rabbet channel.

-%Reconnect the saw to the power source and turn the saw ON. When the blade has reached full speed, per- form a test cut with a scrap piece of wood.

If the cut is satisfactory, repeat the cut with the final workpiece.

.% Lay the workpiece flat on the table, adjust the saw blade height to intersect with the first cut, as shown in =`^li\-,#then perform the second cut to complete the rabbet.

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=`^li\-+%Rabbet cutting with a standard





=`^li\-,%Rabbet cutting with a standard



Image 50
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