Woodstock W1820, W1819 manual 9cX\lXi8jj\dYcp, LXi, Jgi\X\i

Page 38



The term "blade guard" refers to the assembly that con- sists of the clear polycarbonate shield, the spreader, and the anti-kickback pawls on each side of the spreader (=`^li\ +-). Each of these components have important safety functions during the operation of the saw.


The clear polycarbonate guard allows the operator to see the blade cut the workpiece during operation. This guard is designed to lift as the workpiece is pushed into the blade and remain in contact with the workpiece throughout the entire cut.

The guard reduces injury risk by providing a barrier around the blade that prevents accidental contact and contains flying wood chips.

To ensure that the guard does its job effectively, it must always be in the downward position against the table in the resting position during idle operation, and the hinge mechanism must be maintained in good working condition so the guard can freely pivot up and down to accommodate the height of the workpiece and return to the table surface.







=`^li\+-%Blade guard assembly



In order to work properly, the spreader cannot be bent or misaligned with the blade. If the spreader gets accidentally bent, take the time to straighten it or just replace it. Using a bent or misaligned spreader will increase the risk of kickback!



The spreader is a metal plate that prevents the newly cut kerf of the workpiece from pinching the backside of the blade, causing kickback. The spreader also acts as a barrier behind the blade to shield hands from being pulled into the blade if a kickback occurs.

To ensure that the blade spreader works safely, the following requirements MUST be met when installing new blades:

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The spreader MUST be aligned/adjusted to the blade. K_\j\ i\hl`i\d\ekj Xi\ efk Xggc`ZXYc\ kf [X[f YcX[\j%


Image 38
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