+% Adjust the set screws to make sure the table insert is flush with the table (use a straightedge as a guide), then tighten the button head screw to secure the table insert in place.
,. Place a straightedge against the blade and the spreader. When properly aligned, the spreader/ riving knife will be parallel with the blade and in the "Alignment Zone," shown in =`^li\*).
—If the spreader/riving knife is not inside the alignment zone and not parallel with the blade, then it needs to be adjusted. Proceed to "Adjusting Alignment on
—If the spreader/riving knife is not parallel with the blade, it may be bent. Proceed to "Checking Alignment on
=`^li\*)% Spreader/riving knife alignment
;ljk:fcc\Zk`fe |
:fdgfe\ekjXe[?Xi[nXi\E\\[\[1 | Hkp |
Dust Hose 4" (not included) | 1 |
Hose Clamps 4" (not included) | 2 |
Dust Collection System (not included) | 1 |
;fefkZfe]lj\k_`j:=Di\Zfdd\e[Xk`fen`k_k_\iXk`e^ f]k_\[ljkZfcc\Zkfi%Kf[\k\id`e\k_\:=DXkk_\[ljk gfik#pfldljkZfej`[\ik_\j\mXi`XYc\j1( :=DiXk`e^f] k_\[ljkZfcc\Zkfi#) _fj\kpg\Xe[c\e^k_Y\kn\\ek_\ [ljkZfcc\ZkfiXe[k_\dXZ_`e\#* eldY\if]YiXeZ_\j finp\j#Xe[+ Xdflekf]fk_\ifg\ec`e\jk_ifl^_flk k_\jpjk\d%<ogcX`e`e^_fnkfZXcZlcXk\k_\j\mXi`XYc\j `jY\pfe[k_\jZfg\f]k_`jdXelXc%:fejlckXe\og\ikfi gliZ_Xj\X^ff[[ljkZfcc\Zk`fe_fn$kfYffb%
To connect a dust collection hose, do these steps:
1.Fit a 4" dust hose over the dust port, as shown in Figure 33, and tightly secure in place with a hose clamp.
2.Tug the hose to make sure it does not come off. Efk\1A tight fit is necessary for proper performance.
;F EFK fg\iXk\ k_\ Df[\c N(/(0 fi N(/)' n`k_flk Xe X[\hlXk\ [ljk Zfcc\Zk`fe jpjk\d% K_`j jXn Zi\Xk\j jlYjkXek`Xc Xdflekj f] nff[ [ljk n_`c\fg\iXk`e^%=X`cli\kflj\X[ljk Zfcc\Zk`fe jpjk\d ZXe i\jlck `e j_fik Xe[cfe^$k\idi\jg`iXkfip`cce\jj%
=`^li\**% Dust hose attached to dust