Woodstock W1820, W1819 manual Ifle`eI\hl`i\d\ekj, Ok\ej`fefij, =fiMfee\Zk`fe

Page 18




This machine MUST be grounded. In the event of certain types of malfunctions or breakdowns, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to travel—in order to reduce the risk of electric shock.

Improper connection of the equipment-grounding wire will increase the risk of electric shock. The wire with green insulation (with/without yellow stripes) is the equipment- grounding wire. If repair or replacement of the power cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the equipment- grounding wire to a live (current carrying) terminal.

Check with a qualified electrician or service personnel if you do not understand these grounding requirements, or if you are in doubt about whether the tool is properly grounded. If you ever notice that a cord or plug is damaged or worn, disconnect it from power, and immediately replace it with a new one.

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Current Carrying Prongs

6-20 PLUG

Grounding Prong

=`^li\2% NEMA 6-20 plug & receptacle.


This machine is equipped with a power cord that has an equipment-grounding wire and NEMA 6-20 grounding plug. The plug must only be inserted into a matching receptacle (see =`^li\) that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with local codes and ordinances.


We do not recommend using an extension cord with this machine. Extension cords cause voltage drop, which may damage electrical components and shorten motor life.

Voltage drop increases with longer extension cords and the gauge smaller gauge sizes (higher gauge numbers indicate smaller sizes).

Any extension cord used with this machine must contain a ground wire, match the required plug and receptacle, and meet the following requirements:

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Image 18
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