Woodstock W1819, W1820 manual Lkk`eXf\jn`kXXf9cX, KfZlkXXfn`kXXfYcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1

Page 47



Because dado blades are so much wider than standard blades, they place a much greater amount of force against the workpiece when cutting.

To avoid injury, dado cuts require a much slower feed rate than normal cuts, and they are best done with multiple light cuts that get progressively deeper until the desired depth of cut is achieved, as demonstrated in Figure 58.


(% Adjust the dado blade to the desired depth of cut.

)% Adjust the distance between the fence and the inside edge of the blade, as shown in =`^li\,. on GX^\++.

If dadoing across the workpiece, use the miter gauge and carefully line up the desired cut with the dado blade. DO NOT use the fence in combination with the miter gauge.

*% Reconnect the saw to the power source.

+% Turn the saw FE. The blade should run smooth, with no vibrations.

,% When the blade has reached full speed, perform a test cut with a scrap piece of wood.

-%If the cut is satisfactory, repeat the cut with the actual workpiece.

Dado Blade Cut 1






Cut 3




Dado Cut



=`^li\,/%Example of dado being cut with multiple light cuts, instead of one deep cut.



Image 47
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page LJK?HL@BL@G8C89CJKFJ8I?FLK@E=FID8K@FE=8JK Fek\ekjNffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik @EKIFLK@FEFekifcjXe=\Xkli\j @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE @EKIFLK@FE JkXeXiDXZ`e\ipJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej For Your Own Safety Read Manual Before Operating MachineJ8=KP `k`feXcJX\kpfiKXYc\JXnj Below are ways to avoid the most common causes of kickback Gi\m\ek`eB`ZbYXZbGifk\Zk`ePflij\c =ifdB`ZbYXZb CfjjXipfK\idj `iZl`kI\hl`i\d\ekj `iZl`kI\hl`i\d\ekj=lcc$CfXlii\ekIXk`e =`li\  2 % Nema 6-20 plug & receptacle Ifle`eI\hl`i\d\ekjOk\ej`fefij =fiMfee\Zk`fe\jZi`gk`fe Hkp LegXZb`e@k\djE\\\fiJ\klg ?XinXi\EfkJfne  Hkp @em\ekfip9fofek\ekj1=`li\j*Æ,  @%?XinXi\XeKffcjEfkJfne  =\eZ\@em\ekfipN/0Fdgfe\ekj Hkp Front Rail Rectangular Tube ?XinXi\XeKffcjEfkJfne  Hkp =\eZ\@em\ekfipN\Xe`eDXZ`e\ DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ekKfXjj\dYc\k\kXYc\jXn#fk\j\jk\gj1 8jj\dYcpSee =`li\ =`li\ ok\ej`feKXYc\ JXn9cX\ =\eZ\D`k\iXl\DXe\k`ZJn`kZ Checking Fence Parallelism Kf`ejkXcck\\eZ\jZXc\#fk\j\jk\gj1 9cX\lXiTo connect a dust collection hose, do these steps Ljkfcc\Zk`feFdgfe\ekjXe?XinXi\E\\\1 \Zfdd\e\=DXkljkGfik1+=DKfk\jkilek\dXZ`e\#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jkIle9Xj`Zfekifcj \e\iXcKifllkj Efe$KiflKifl LkjFdY`eXk`feYcX\\Xkli\jsee =`li\+1 9cX\J\c\Zk`fe`gg`eYcX\\Xkli\jsee =`li\*01 IfjjZlkYcX\\Xkli\jsee =`li\+1`eB\i9cX\ Xf9cX\jsee =`li\+*1=`li\+ Kf`ejkXcck\YcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1 =`li\  45% Blade installation9cX\@ejkXccXk`fe Jgi\X\i 9cX\lXi8jj\dYcpLXi \eEfkkfLj\k\9cX\lXi 8ek`$B`ZbYXZbGXncj\ekfLj\k\9cX\lXi `m`eBe`\ Nfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`fe `gg`e  Disconnect the SAW from PowerKfdXb\XZifjjZlklj`ek\d`k\iXl\#fk\j\ jk\gj1 IfjjZlkk`eKfg\ifidXd`k\iZlk#fk\j\jk\gj1 `k\ilkj`k\i=\eZ\ 9cX\K`ck9\m\clkj =c`gJkfg@ejkXcc`eXXf9cX\ Xflkk`eKfZlkXXfn`kXXfYcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1 Lkk`eXf\jn`kXXf9cX\=`li\,0 Lkk`eXf\jn`kXJkXeXi9cX\Kflj\XjkXeXijXnYcX\kfZlkXf\j#fk\j\ jk\gj1 Lkk`eIXYY\kjn`kXf9cX\ IXYY\klkk`eKfZlkXiXYY\kn`kXjkXeXiYcX\#fk\j\jk\gj1 Lkk`eIXYY\kjn`kJkXeXi9cX\\jXn`e 8lo`c`Xip=\eZ\ DXb`eI\jXn9Xii`\i=`li\67% Auxiliary fence \jXn`eFg\iXk`fejKfYl`ck\Xlo`c`Xip\eZ\#fk\j\jk\gj1 Efk\1N\e`li`eflkk\Zfii\Zkn`k#fefk KXYc\JXn8ZZ\jjfi`\j FGI8K@FEJ Materials for Miter Slot-Mounted Featherboard =\Xk\iYfXijDXb`eX=\Xk\iYfXi Materials for Clamp-Mounted Featherboard Now, proceed to Dflek`e=\Xk\iYfXi`eD`k\i Jcfk on GX\ Dflek`e=\Xk\iYfXi`eD`k\iJcfk Dflek`e=\Xk\iYfXijn`kcXdgjDXb`eXGljJk`Zb GljJk`ZbjDXb`e X Glj 9cfZb Glj 9cfZbjKfdXb\XeXiifn$i`ggljYcfZb#fk\j\jk\gj1 EXiifn$I`g8lo`c`Xip =\eZ\Glj9cfZbDXb`eXEXiifn$I`gGlj9cfZbfiXe Materials for Narrow-Rip Push Block & Auxiliary FenceLj`ek\8lo`c`Xip=\eZ\XeGlj9cfZb IfjjZlkJc\ Flk\\JlggfikKXYc\j\\bcpDX`ek\eXeZ\1 JZ\lc\\Xe`e `cp\Zb1Nfid\Xij#Kilee`feXe9\Xi`e?flj`e K\\k ClYi`ZXk`feKilee`feJc`\jFi`\ekXk`fe\Xij KffcjE\\\ 9cX\K`ckJkfgj\kk`e0—Jkfg9fck \kk`e+,—Jkfg9fck KfXaljkk\YcX\gXiXcc\ckfk\d`k\ijcfk#fk\j\ jk\gj1 KffcjE\\\ Hkp Adjustable Square`k\iJcfkkf9cX\ GXiXcc\c`jd \Zb`e 8c`ed\ek Jgi\X\ifiI`m`eBe`\ 8c`ed\ek8aljk`e9\ekJgi\X\i&I`m`eBe`\ 8aljk`e8c`ed\ekJhlXi\Xe?\`k =\eZ\8aljkd\ekjClamping Pressure and Parallelism KfZXc`YiXk\k\\eZ\jZXc\`e`ZXkfin`efnj#f k\j\jk\gj1 =\eZ\JZXc\Xc`YiXk`fe8aljk`eD`k\i9XiK`ke\jj `k\iXl\8aljkd\ekj\Zb`e&J\kk`e0—Jkfgj KffcjE\\\ Hkp Wrenches 18mm \ckK\ej`fe I\gcXZ\d\ek\ej`fe`e9\ck \gcXZ`e9\ck\Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej Wiring Diagram Color KEY=`li\-% Df\cN/0&N/N`i`e`XiXdKiflYc\jffk`e Symptom Possible Cause Possible SolutionDull blade Replace blade 9fp G8IKJDescription 9fpGXikjC`jkKilee`fe Description Kilee`feGXikjC`jkXPSS04M SET Screw M6-1 X 9cX\lXi `k\iXl\ =\eZ\ ok\ej`feN`eIX`cj 710 706 709 731 705 712 DXZ`e\CXY\cj G8IKJ Df\cN/0&N/D%J`eZ\ NFFJKFB@EKIE8K@FE8C@E% G%F%9FO*0 9CC@E?8D#N80/.$*0 N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah