A ripping blade is typically the best blade to use for cutting dadoes when using a standard blade because it removes sawdust very efficiently. See GX^\**for blade details.
Kflj\XjkXe[Xi[jXnYcX[\kfZlk[X[f\j#[fk_\j\ jk\gj1
)% Ensure that the riving knife and standard table insert are installed and properly adjusted.
*% Mark the width of the dado cut on the workpiece. Include marks on the edge of the workpiece so the cut path can be aligned when the workpiece is lying on the table.
+% Raise the blade up to the desired depth of cut (depth of dado channel desired).
—If dadoing across the workpiece, use the miter gauge to support the workpiece, and align the blade to cut one of the dado sides. DO NOT use the fence in combination with the miter gauge.
—If dadoing the length of a workpiece, align the blade to cut one of the dado sides as shown in
,% Reconnect the saw to the power source and turn the saw FE. Allow the blade to reach full speed.
Efk\19\jli\kfb\\gk_\Zlkjn`k_`epflidXibj2 fk_\in`j\#k_\[X[fn`ccY\kffY`^%
/% Continue making cuts toward the center of the dado until the dado is complete (see
K_\[Xe^\if]b`ZbYXZb`eZi\Xj\ji\cX$ k`m\kfk_\[\gk_Xe[n`[k_f]XZlk% I\[lZ\k_\i`jbf]b`ZbYXZbYpdXb`e^ dlck`gc\gXjj\jkfXZ_`\m\k_\[\j`i\[ [\gk_ f] Zlk% =X`cli\ kf ]fccfn k_\j\ nXie`e^j Zflc[ i\jlck `e j\i`flj g\i$ jfeXc`ealip%
8cnXpjlj\glj_jk`Zbj#]\Xk_\iYfXi[j# glj_gX[[c\jXe[fk_\ijX]\kpXZZ\jjf$ i`\jn_\e\m\igfjj`Yc\kf`eZi\Xj\jX]\$ kp Xe[ Zfekifc [li`e^ fg\iXk`fej k_Xk i\hl`i\ k_\ YcX[\ ^lXi[ Xe[ jgi\X[\i kf Y\ i\dfm\[ ]ifd k_\ jXn% 8CN8PJ i\gcXZ\ k_\ YcX[\ ^lXi[ X]k\i [X[f`e^ `jZfdgc\k\%
Cut 1 | Blade |
Workpiece | Fence |
Cut 2 | Blade |
Workpiece | Fence |
Cuts 3+ |
=\eZ\ |
Nfibg`\Z\ |
=`^li\61%Addtional cuts.