Menu Screen
COMPRESSOR CONTROL - Navigates to the compressor control screen where the operator can set the variouscom- pressor control parameters.
ALARMS AND TRIPS - Navigates to the alarms and trips screen where the operator can set the various alarm and trip parameters.
TIMERS - Navigates to the timer screen where the operator can set the various time related parameters.
COMPRESSOR SCHEDULING - Navigates to the compressor scheduling screen where the operator can set the control
COMPRESSOR SEQUENCING - Navigates to the compressor sequencing screen where the operator can
CONDENSER CONTROL - Navigates to the condenser control screen where the operator can set local condenser control for up to four fans and pumps. (For Future Software Releases)
SERVICE OPTIONS - Navigates to the service options screen where the operator can perform package diagnostics by manually turning on digital outputs.
INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION - Navigates to the instrument calibration screen where the operator can calibrate all of the system sensors.