Low Start Oil Pressure Fail –
This message will appear with the Prelub Oil Pressure (Manifold minus Discharge) has remained below the Prelub Oil Pressure Reset setpoint. The Prelub Oil Pressure must be above the Prelub Oil Pressure for a time period of the Minimum Compressor Prelub time. It will continue to try to do this for a time period of the Prelub Oil Pump Time Limit. When the Prelub Oil Pressure fails to achieve this, then the failure message will occur.
Low Oil Pressure Fail –
This message will appear when the Running Oil Pressure (Manifold minusSuction) has remained below the low Oil Pressure Reset setpoint when the Oil Pressure Bypass at Compressor Start timer times out. This message will also appear when the Runnning Oil Pressure falls below the Low Oil Pressure trip setpoint after the Oil Pressure Bypass at Compressor Start timer times out.
Low Oil Injection Temp Fail –
This message will appear when the Oil Injection temperature falls below the Low Oil Injection Temperature trip setpoint. This message will also appear when the Oil Injection temperature fails to rise above the Low Oil Injection Temperature reset setpoint after the Low Oil Injection Temp Bypass timer times out.
High Oil Injection Temp Fail –
This message will appear when the Oil Injection temperature rises above the High Oil Injection Temperature trip setpoint.
Manifold Pressure Fail –
This message will appear with the manifold pressure rises above 300 PSI or falls below 30” Hg.
Filter Inlet Pressure Fail –
This message will appear with the manifold pressure rises above 300 PSI or falls below 30” Hg.
Start Filter Diff Press Fail –
This message will appear if the Filter Differential pressure rises above the High Fltr Diff Press – Start setpoint before the Filter Differential Pressure Safety Changeover timer times out.
Run Filter Diff Press Fail –
This message will appear if the Filter Differential pressure rises above the High Fltr Diff Press Run setpoint after the Filter Differential Pressure Safety Changeover timer times out.
Maximum Amperage Fail –
This message will appear if the motor amperage rises above the Hi Motor Amps trip setpoint.
Motor Starter Aux Contact Fail –
This message will appear if the Motor Auxiliary contact fails to close before the Compressor Starter Auxiliary Contact Bypass timer times out. Refer to wiring diagram.
Auxiliary Safety#1 Input Fail –
This message will appear when power is removed from the input module that is designated as “Auxiliary #1 Safety” (please refer to your wiring diagram).
Low Oil Separator Level Fail –
This message may appear when power is removed from the input module that is designated as “Lo Separa- tor Oil Level Trip” (please refer to your wiring diagram). This safety has an associated delay. The associated delay timer is the Lo Oil Separator Level Bypass Timer. This safety will activate only after the oil level has been low after the timer times out.