•Stop Delay = delays the compressor from stopping when the suction pressure is equal to or less than the stop pressure.
•Minimum Slide Position = The minimum capacity slide position that the compressor is allowed to run at. By forcing the compressor capacity to operate at a value above minimum, we insure that the suction pressure will be pulled down to the Stop pressure setpoint value.
Assume the suction pressure is at 80 psig and the
Number of steps = (∆ 60 psig change * 1 step/5 psig) = 12 steps
Delay per step = (48 hours / 12 steps) = 4 hours/step
For the first 4 hours, the compressor runs at 75 psig. next 4 hours @ 70 psig
next 4 hours @ 65 psig
and so forth. After the 12th step (running at 25 psig), 48 hours will have elapsed, and the new setpoint be- comes 20 psig, achieving the 20 psig setpoint after 48 hours. After the
•Enable = Enables Pulldown control. Uncheck the box to disable the
•Step Pressure = This setpoint defines the step increments which the suction pressure will be controlled at.
•Delay Per Step = Defines the time increment at which the compressor will be controlled for each step.