Specify in percent, the maximum value (99) for control output. If the output is analog proportional (Current or Voltage), then the maximum voltage or current, in percent, is specified. If the output is time proportional (Relay, SSR, or Pulse), then the maximum
Press d
Press b & c
Press d
12)Display flashes 1st digit of previous “Percent High” setting.
13)Use b and c buttons to enter a new value for “Percent High”.
14)Display shows STRD stored message momentarily and then advances to CTRL Control Type Submenu.
Example: On an Analog Output of
(Relay, SSR, Pulse or Analog)
Press d 15) Display flashes ON.OF On/Off or PID PID.
Press b 16) Scroll through the available selections: “ON.OF” or “PID”. Press d 17) Display flashes STRD stored message momentarily and then
advances to AçTN only, if it was changed, otherwise press a to advance to AçTN Action Type Submenu.
The ON.OF control is a coarse way of controlling the process. The “Dead Band” improves the cycling associated with the ON.OF control. The PID control is best for processes where the set point is continuously changing and/or a tight control of the process variable is required. PID control requires tuning and adjustment of the “Proportional”, “Integral or Reset” and “Derivative or Rate” terms by a trial-
*If Analog Output (Current/Voltage) is your control Output 1, this menu i.e. CTRL type will not appear, instead
Select ENBL for a
Both Current and Voltage control outputs are active simultaneously.