Carrier 38AU appendix Appendix a, Appendix B, Wiring Diagram List

Page 46



Air Conditioner & Heat Pump with PURON

Quick Reference Guide

S Puron(R-410A) refrigerant operates at 50 percent to 70 percent higher pressures than R-22. Be sure that servicing equipment and replacement components are designed to operate with Puron.

S Puronrefrigerant cylinders are rose colored.

S Recovery cylinder service pressure rating must be 400 psig, DOT 4BA400 or DOT BW400.

S Puronsystems should be charged with liquid refrigerant. Use a commercial type metering device in the manifold hose when charging into suction line with compressor operating.

S Manifold sets should be 700 psig high side and 180 psig low side with 550 psig low-side retard.

S Use hoses with 700 psig service pressure rating.

S Leak detectors should be designed to detect HFC refrigerant.

S Puron, as with other HFCs, is only compatible with POE oils.

S Vacuum pumps will not remove moisture from oil.

S Use only factory specified liquid-line filter driers with rated working pressures greater than 600 psig.

S Do not install a suction-line filter drier in liquid-line.

S POE oils absorb moisture rapidly. Do not expose oil to atmosphere.

S POE oils may cause damage to certain plastics and roofing materials.

S Wrap all filter driers and service valves with wet cloth when brazing.

SA factory approved, liquid-line filter drier is required on every unit.

S Do not use an R-22 TXV.

S If indoor unit is equipped with a TXV, it must be changed to a PuronTXV.

S Never open system to atmosphere while it is under a vacuum.

S When system must be opened for service, recover refrigerant, break vacuum with dry nitrogen before opening system.

S Always replace filter drier after opening system for service.

S Do not vent Puroninto the atmosphere. S Do not use capillary tube coils.

S Observe all warnings, cautions, and bold text. S All Puronheat pumps must have indoor TXV.

S Do not leave Puronsuction line driers in place for more than 72 hours.


Wiring Diagram List


Electrical Characteristics

Diagram Number










































































Image 46
Contents Installation, Start---Up Service Instructions ContentsInstallation Guideline Safety ConsiderationsReplacement/Retrofit R-22 to PuronR Installation Unit Damage HazardMchx UnitRtpf 38AUZ*25 38AUD*25Compressor Unit Size 38AURefrigerant TYPE‡ Condenser FansRtpf Shipping Charge kg Pressurestat Settings kPa High CutoutNominal Capacity kW ScrollOil Charge A/B oz Rtpf Shipping Charge A/B lbFace Area sq ft total Rows/Fins per inch FPI Oil Charge A/B L Operating Weight kg Novation Coil Al TubeRtpf Shipping Charge A/B kg Qty...r/s Motor Hp Nema Diameter mmU Z a 2 5 a 0 G 6 a 0 a 0 a Jobsite Survey InstallationMatching 38AU Model To Evaporator Coil Do not Bury Refrigeration LinesEquivalent Lengths for Common Fittings ft Provide Safety ReliefSlab Mount Check 38AU Model with Evaporator Coil ConnectionsSuction Riser Liquid Lift38AUZ 16-25 Piping Recommendations Single-Circuit Unit Insulate Suction Lines 38AUD 16-25 Piping Recommendations Two-Circuit UnitVertical Separation outdoor unit above indoor unit Hot Gas BypassInstall Filter Driers and Moisture Indicators Refrigerant Specialties Part NumbersSelecting an Accumulator Install Liquid Line Solenoid ValveCapacity Control Liquid Line Solenoid Valve Make Piping ConnectionsEvacuation/Dehydration Preliminary ChargeFire Hazard Field Power SupplyUnits with Factory-Installed Disconnect All UnitsConvenience Outlets Electrical Operation HazardField Control Wiring Convenience Outlet Utilization Notice LabelControl Transformer Wiring ThermostatUnit Wire/Fuse or Hacr Breaker Sizing Data Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply VoltageSystem Check PRE-START-UPSTART-UP Preliminary ChecksUsing plotted operating point Advanced Scroll Temperature Protection AstpAdjust Refrigerant Charge Start Unit38AUZ*25 Check Compressor Oil Level Final Checks38AUD*16 Charging Chart Novation 38AUZ*16 Charging Chart Rtpf 38AUD*16 Charging Chart Rtpf 38AUD*25 Charging Chart Rtpf Typical 38AUZ Wiring Diagram 15 Ton 230V Tandem Unit Shown Typical 38AUD Wiring Diagram 15 Ton 230V Dual Unit Shown Operating Sequence Base Unit ControlsRefrigeration System Routine System MaintenanceService Equipment Damage HazardFactory High-Flow Access Ports Field Refrigerant Access PortsLiquid Line Filter Drier Comfort Alert Diagnostic Module Input Terminal VoltageLED Status Codes LockoutCompressor Protection 38AUD Size 16 Cabinet LPS 38AUZ,D Size 25 Cabinet 38AUZ*25 Compressor Assembly Rear View Coil Type Identification Novation Coil Cleaning and MaintenanceRepairing Novation Condenser Tube Leaks NOVATIONt TypeReplacing NOVATIONt Condenser Coil Routine Cleaning of Round-Tube Plate Fin Rtpf CoilsUnit Reliability Hazard Compressor Stops on HIGH-PRESSURE Switch TroubleshootingProblem Solution Compressor does not RUN Fastener Torque ValuesUnit Operates TOO Long or Continuously Problem Solution Compressor Cycles on LOW-PRESSURE SwitchCompressor Running but Cooling Insufficient System is NoisyAppendix a Wiring Diagram ListAppendix B Appendix C Low Ambient Option Factory InstalledTroubleshooting OperationMotormaster Sensor Location 38AUZ*16 & 38AUD*16 Novation 38AUZ*16/25 & 38AUD*16/25 RtpfDimensions --- Inches Unit Baffle Wind Baffle DimensionDimensions --- MM Unit Baffle Wind Baffles Fabrication 15 Ton Wind Baffle Brackets Fabrication Front Front Back Left Right Catalog No 38AU---09SI START-UP Checklist II. PRE-START-UP Outdoor UnitCheck Voltage Imbalance