Random Color | 39 |
Replace Background Color | 39 |
RGB Add | 39 |
RGB Add, All Pixels | 39 |
RGB Invert & Swap to BRG | 40 |
RGB Invert & Swap to GBR | 40 |
RGB Invert | 40 |
RGB Swap to BGR | 41 |
RGB Swap to BRG | 41 |
RGB Swap to GBR | 41 |
RGB Swap to GRB | 42 |
RGB Swap to RBG | 42 |
Scale | 42 |
Solarize | 43 |
Solarize 1 | 43 |
Solarize 2 | 43 |
Solarize 3 | 43 |
Solarize 4 | 43 |
Transparent Color | 43 |
Background Color | 44 |
Chapter 7: Global Control |
Global controls affect the composite image created when you define | |
two Image layers. |
Dim | 45 |
Strobe | 45 |
Scale | 46 |
Rotate | 46 |
Dampening | 47 |
Global Transition | 47 |
Global Effects | 47 |
Chapter 8: Global Control: Transitions |
The Transition Mode and Transition parameters provide over 70 | |
patterns for switching between image layers and interact with the | |
Color Transparency parameter to create a wide range of looks. | |
Transition Types | 49 |
Opacity Transitions | 49 |
Normal Fade | 49 |
Fade Through Black | 50 |
Reveal Transitions | 51 |
Overlay Transitions | 52 |
x | StudioPix™ Pixelation Luminaire User Manual |