Echo Software
Transporting User Content
Exporting and Importing a User Content Package
You can import or export any package to a portable or networked hard drive for transport to another computer. Content must be in a package to import or export.
To export, simply Right click on a package and select Export. Browse to the location on a drive, Name the package and click the Save button.
To import a package into Echo:
1. Right click on User Content in the navigation bar or in the right pane and choose Import.
2.Browse to the .pixpkg file you want to import and click Open. The package will be added to the user content in Echo.
Exporting a Preview
If you want to send a preview of a file that you have converted to SHOWPIX format, you can export it as an animated .gif file that someone without Echo software can view. To export a preview:
1. Select the Preview tab for viewing the User Content file.
2.Right Click on the file and select Export to GIF. A dialog window will let you browse to a location to the save the animated GIF created.
92 | StudioPix™ Pixelation Luminaire User Manual |