SSI America 7SL instruction manual Procedure, TH TC Input Final Scale Value, TC Input Check

Page 31


Switch on the instrument; the upper display will show “COnf”. Press the button; the upper display will show “CAL”.

Using the and pushbuttons (buttons), it is possible to select between ON and OFF. To go to the next parameter without modifying the calibration, press the FUNC button when the display shows “OFF”. To enter a calibration value, press the FUNC button when the dis- play shows “ON”.

Press the FUNC button to show the first calibration code on the lower display. Repeatedly press the FUNC button until the desired calibration (parameter) code appears.

FUNC button. When this calibration is complete, the instrument will go to the next parameter.

tH TC Input Final Scale Value

a)Set the calibrator to 60.000 mV.

b)Push the button; the displays will show “ON” and “tH”.

c)After a few seconds, start calibration by pressing the FUNC button. When this calibration is complete, the instrument will go to the next parameter.

t.TC Input Check

The display (Figure 3) shows “t.” followed by a number showing the measured value in counts:

NOTE: by pushing the SMRT button it is possible to go back to a previous parameter without memorizing the new calibration.

Entering Calibration Values

Following is a detailed, sequential procedure for entering and checking values for each calibration parameter:


TC Input Initial Scale Value

a)Connect calibrator and instrument as shown in Figure 2.



Figure 2. Calibrator Connection

b)The upper display shows “OFF”, the lower displays shows “tL”.

c)Set calibrator to 0.000 mV.

d)Push the button; the display changes to “ON”.

e)After a few seconds, start calibration by pushing the



Figure 3. TC Calibration Check Display

a)Check the calibration (linear) by setting:

0.000 mV – the readout must be equal to “t.000 00” ± 10 counts;

60.000 mV – the readout must be equal to “t.300 00” ± 10 counts;

30.000 mV – the readout must be equal to “t.150 00” ± 10 counts.

b)Push the FUNC button to go to the next parameter.

rJ Cold Junction Compensation

NOTE: Make sure tL and tH are correctly calibrated before attempting rJ calibration.

a)Measure the temperature close to terminals 9 and 10 using an appropriate instrument – for example, MEMOCAL. See Figure 4.

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9/17/02, 2:44 PM

Image 31 SSI America 7SL instruction manual Procedure, TH TC Input Final Scale Value, TC Input Check, Entering Calibration Values
Contents Model 7SL HIGH/LOW Limitrol 16 DIN, Four Digit HIGH/LOW Limitrol Guide to simple set-up CongratulationsUSE Wire Suitable For 75C Minimum Table of ContentsMounting Requirements Dimensions and Panel Cutout Terminal Layout Wiring GuidelinesMeasuring Inputs TC Input Logic Input Linear InputRTD Input RTD7sl-1-00.p65 17/02, 239 PM OUT Relay OutputsCommon Serial InterfacePower Supply Power Line and groundingPreliminary Hardware Settings Limitrol without RS-485 Limitrol with RS-485Configuration Procedure Configuration KEY FunctionsR1 = Input Type and Range Value R2 = Decimal Point Position R5 = Offset AdjustmentR7 = Alarm Action on Fault C2 = Acknowledgment ModeControl Output Function C4 = Reset Memory C3 = Reset at Power-upP2 = Alarm configuration OFF = P3 = Alarm ActionAlarm Standby Function = Safety LockT1 = Timeout Selection tn10 = 10 second timeout Reset Operating ModeNormal Display Mode IndicatorsParameter Display Mode Key Functions in Normal Display ModeKey Functions in Parameter Display Mode Operating Parameters Dealing with Error Messages Error MessagesError Messages Error ListLoading Default Configuration Parameters Default ParametersLoading Default Operating Parameters Default Operating Parameters ListPara Default Configuration Parameter ListSpecifications Normal Mode Rejection Ratio Display Update Time RangeTemperature Drift Common Mode Rejection RatioType of Alarm Acknowledgment ModePower-Up Mode Alarm FunctionENV50140 ReferencesCEI 70-1 IEC NemaGeneral Guidelines Calibration ProcedureCalibration Parameters Entering Calibration Values ProcedureTH TC Input Final Scale Value TC Input CheckPL RTD Input Initial Scale Value PH RTD Input Final Scale ValueRTD Check RJ. Cold Junction Compensation CheckVolt Input Check AH Current Input Final Scale ValueCurrent Input Check NH 5 Volt Input Final Scale ValueUH 10 Volt Input Final Scale Value UL 10 Volt Input Initial Scale ValueMaintenance Manual Part No 7SL