Wood Hardness |
| Feed Rate |
The species of wood, as well as its condition, greatly affects the depth of cut the planer can effectively take with each pass.
The chart in the figure below shows the Janka Hardness Rating for a number of commonly used species. The larger the number, the harder the workpiece, and the less material should be removed in any one pass for good results.
Note: The Janka Hardness Rating is expressed in pounds of force required to embed a 0.444" steel ball into the surface of the wood to a depth equal to half the ball's diameter.
| Janka |
Species | Hardness |
Ebony | 3220 |
Red Mahogany | 2697 |
Rosewood | 1780 |
Red Pine | 1630 |
Sugar Maple | 1450 |
White Oak | 1360 |
White Ash | 1320 |
American Beech | 1300 |
Red Oak | 1290 |
Black Walnut | 1010 |
Teak | 1000 |
Black Cherry | 950 |
Cedar | 900 |
Sycamore | 770 |
Douglas Fir | 660 |
Chestnut | 540 |
Hemlock | 500 |
White Pin | 420 |
Basswood | 410 |
Eastern White Pine | 380 |
Balsa | 100 |
Figure 15. Janka Hardness Rating for some
common wood species.
G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08)
The infeed and outfeed rollers move the workpiece through the planer while keeping it flat and provid- ing a consistent rate of movement. The speed that these rollers move the workpiece through the planer is known as the feed rate.
Generally, low feed rates are used for dimension- ing passes, while higher feed rates are used for finishing passes.
Figure 16 illustrates the three different positions of the feed rate control knob:
•Push the knob in to use the high feed rate (30 FPM for Model G0453, and 20 FPM for Model G0454).
•Pull the know out to use the low feed rate of 16 FPM.
•Move the knob to the center position to place the gearbox in neutral.
Figure 16. Feed rate control knob positions.
Only change the feed rate when the planer is running, but DO NOT attempt to change the feed rate during any cutting operations or damage to the gearbox will result.