6.Move the feed speed knob to the neutral position to allow the infeed roller to freely rotate.
7.Keeping the Rotacator dial at zero, position it under the
8.Loosen the jam nut and use the set screw shown in Figure 44 to adjust the height of the infeed roller bushing block until the Rotacator dial shows 0.040", which is the recommend- ed distance for the infeed roller below the cutterhead.
Jam Nut
& Set Screw
Figure 44. Infeed roller bushing block and height
adjustment controls.
9.Repeat Steps 7–8 on the left-hand side of the infeed roller.
10.Re-check both sides of the infeed roller and, if necessary, make further adjustments until the infeed roller height from side-to-side is 0.040" below the BDC of the cutterhead knife, then re-tighten both jam nuts.
11.Keeping the same zero reference on the Rotacator dial from Step 5, repeat Steps 7–10 for the outfeed roller, but adjust it until it is 0.020" below the BDC of the cutterhead knife.
G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08)
12.Use the same zero reference on the Rotacator dial from Step 5, perform similar steps as described above to adjust the height of the chip breaker to its recommended specifica- tion given at the beginning of this subsec- tion. The adjustment controls are shown in
Figure 45.